
Examples of our 5S-Kaizen works


Our 5S-Kaizen efforts continue at full speed to create a quality working environment and ensure continuity! Our quality department has carried out reforms in our production methodology with the work carried out in 2024. We continue our work in an effort to make all elements within our sphere of influence, from input quality to output quality processes, more efficient. As Sözer Makina, great importance is given to such studies throughout the company in order to keep our position and vision, which has been accepted in the sector for years, always at the top.

5S culture has an important role in ensuring stabilization in businesses. In addition, with the Kaizen approach, we strive for continuous improvement systematically and without being satisfied with the current situation. We are also aware that in order to achieve sustainable success, the environment and conditions must be stable and our business practices, machine parameters and material parameters must be repeatable.

Site layout, definition, environment cleaning, location of objects, material stocks, location of equipment and hand tools, etc. We continue our activities efficiently with 5S and Kaizen methods at many points.

#SözerMakina #sözer #5s #kaizen #quality #sustainability #development

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