
Fabric Screen Printing production (ABD)


We have complete the commissioning of SMPK 2000-IV type 2000 liter capacity Combined Planetary Mixer machine, vacuum conveyor, bag unloading station, floor scale, diaphragm pump and gaf type filters systems. Our customer serving the fabric screen printing industry, adhesives, cleaning fluids, silicone sprays, flocking materials industries in the state of California, USA.  

The pride of completing another installation in the American continent without any problems. We would like to thank our customers for choosing Sözer Makine for the sustainable address, quality and trust.

#SözerMakina #malaksor #SMPK #fabric #adhesive #printing #fabricscreenprinting #cleaningfluid #silicone #mastic #paste #planetarymixer #constructionchemicals #screenprinting #vacuumconveyor #abd

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