
Record Delivery in the Last 6 Months


We broke our all-time machine delivery record per unit in the last 6 months with our deliveries to the Netherlands, America, Russia, Romania, England, Togo, Germany and Turkey. We are growing and developing according to our new systems, qualified staff and effective communication between departments. We will continue our work with determination to achieve sustainable values ​​under the roof of the climate of love. We would like to thank once again all our stakeholders who have contributed to our successful journey that has been continuing since 1946.

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Sözer Makina Development Process

Sözer Makina’s success story, which started in 1946, continues to develop stronger and more efficiently today. Continuing its activities in accordance with today’s vision, Sözer


We proud and honour to inform all our stakeholders that we will continue our actitivities as a “Incorporated Company” with our groving and strengthening structure