
Sözer Makina Development Process


Sözer Makina’s success story, which started in 1946, continues to develop stronger and more efficiently today.

Continuing its activities in accordance with today’s vision, Sözer Makina is aware that digitalization is indispensable in every sense. In this context, all departments will go live in an integrated manner with the SAP program by 2024.

At the same time, we have reached the final stages of remote communication for every machine produced within the company and the production and documentation of all critical parts with a digital understanding.

The revision or renewal of all benches and equipment in the factory in accordance with Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 norms continues rapidly.

Our qualified human resources, especially those working in the Electrical-Automation department, produce very successful works with new generation electronic equipment.

Many quality standards, especially Kaizen and 5S, have now become a routine value within the corporate culture of Sözer Makina, and our teammates who develop studies in this regard are regularly rewarded. In this way, sustainable development can be achieved for every department.

Switching to a Joint Stock Company, implementing the standards brought by the quality certificates in full compliance, and auditing the processes and people at certain periods are among the indispensables of Sözer Makina.
Sözer Academy, established at the beginning of 2024, is really valuable to us.

We believe that our future is literally blended there. We develop with the conferences and presentations of both our experienced and knowledgeable teammates from within the company and trainers from outside the company, and we engage in activities that will contribute to our knowledge, skills and vision.

We always keep our High School and University intern student programs open for almost every department. In this way, we both contribute to the education of our country’s youth and offer them employment opportunities for the future. In addition, we have the opportunity to train our own staff for new positions opened within our company.

One of the most important factors in the rise of Sözer Makina is that the board of directors and all human resources working within the company, from the highest to the lowest levels, consist of people with the above-mentioned vision and the necessary and sufficient skills in their fields.

Sözer Makina continues to take firm steps towards the future with its qualified staff and business partners who trust the brand in both national and international channels, and continues its work with great passion to create businesses that will bring added value to its country.

#SözerMakina #Development

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