
Sözer Makina is 78 years old


We are preparing to leave behind the 78th anniversary of Sözer Makina, the address of peace, unity and success, and the calendar year 2024. At the same time, we are proud of walking confidently towards our goals. As every year, we took our souvenir photo as the Sözer Makina family.

We can say that digitalization in all departments and going live in SAP to carry out our activities in a systematic and integrated manner, completely independent of people, is one of the biggest successes of this year. We would like to thank all our teammates who contributed.

We continue to stay in unity and struggle to develop in every sense and add sustainable values. To many happy more years Sözer Makina!

#SözerMakina #sözer #2024 #78years #1946 #peace #unity #success #happynewyear #78thanniversary #since1946

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