
Sözer Makina Quality in Turnkey Projects


The basis of the projects in production facilities is the most effective use of advanced technology, high experience and efficiency principles. Structures where engineering, design and application principles are kept at a high level constitute the sustainable success of a company’s production. At this point, Sözer Makina is a preferred company in future investments in line with the efficient use of knowledge and technology in many production sectors, especially the chemical industry. In our complete facility projects, we can establish fully automatic, semi-automatic and manual operating systems in line with the requests of our business partners.

There are differences in the machine parks used in automatic or manual operating systems. For this reason, the selected machines and auxiliary equipment are designed to operate in the most efficient way under the high experience and knowledge of our company. The most suitable project type is presented to our business partners who have a turnkey project request by mutual negotiations on the architectural project of the area where investment is considered. At this point, it is very important to be able to clearly determine the needs and offer optimum solutions.

The motto “AS GOOD AS IS SUFFICIENT FOR THE NEEDS AND AS CHEAP AS IS POSSIBLE” constitutes the basic principle of our turnkey projects.

There are two types of raw material feeding systems that we use intensively in our fully automatic production projects. These are automatic vacuum feeding systems for powder raw materials and automatic pump systems for liquid raw materials. Both feeding systems can have automatic dosing systems. All raw materials are automatically sent to the production mixers via pipelines according to the specified recipe and quantity. All these processes can be monitored step by step on the central control screen. All software and automation processes within the project can be developed by us and adapted to the project in line with the request of our business partner.

In turnkey projects, the manufacturing of silos and tanks, all raw material transfer organs, drawing pipelines, production mixer machines, finished product storage tanks, coloring tanks, filling and packaging lines, automation and software systems that will control the entire project constitute the main lines of the project. All weighing and measuring systems used in the projects, PC / PLC systems used in automation and other industrial devices are preferred from the most suitable products in line with our company’s field experience of over 75 years. Since all raw materials and products are sent through suitable transfer equipment in our fully automatic projects, the absence of any dust in the production environment also provides a great advantage to the user company. In production lines operating independently of manpower, operator errors and related performance variability are minimized. We offer our business partners the pleasure of developing and implementing automation and software under the responsibility of a single company, including all machines, devices, silos, tanks, pipelines, weighing and measuring systems, pneumatic control systems and finally filling-packaging machines used in turnkey projects. To get more detailed information about turnkey projects, you can contact our experienced engineers.

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