
Middle East Coating Show 2024 has been completed

Despite the flood disaster, the Middle East Coating Show 2024 fair was left behind with successful results for Sözer Makina.

Our General Manager Mr. Ahmet also strengthened our team with his presence at this fair. Our team comes back from three successful days with many positive impressions.

We had the opportunity to meet face to face with our stakeholders, especially those in the African and Middle Eastern regions, who have preferred Sözer Makina for many years, and to discuss their new demands. We would like to thank all our guests who visited our stand.

Despite the adverse weather conditions, the international orientation of the fair was also pleasing. Representatives from the UAE and other neighboring countries contributed to the exchange of knowledge and experience. The Middle East Coating Show continues to be a useful platform for the paint, chemical and coating industries globally, as it has been for many years.

See you again in 2026…

#SözerMakina #Sözer #MiddleEastCoatingShow #MECS #MECS2024


Middle East Coating Show 2024

We are participating in the Middle East Coating Show, one of the largest fairs in the Middle East, which will be held at the Dubai World Trade Center in the UAE between 16-18 April 2024. We will be waiting for our valuable visitors to our stand to produce solutions suitable for your demands and needs.

#SözerMakina #Sözer #MCS #MCS2024 #fuar #exhibition #paint #coating #UAE #dubai


Interlakokraska 2024 has been completed

Another Interlakokraska exhibition is leaving behind with success and peace.  We would like to thank all our friends who have chosen Sözer Makina, the address of sustainable quality and sincerity in the machinery industry for 78 years.

We exhibited our SMPK Series Combined Planetary Mixer Machine, SBM Series Basket-Mill Machine and SMNG Series Horizontal Milling Machine.

Russia continues to be a very strong market for us!  See you again next year…

#SözerMakina #Interlakokraska #Russia


Hydraulic Training

? Sözer Academy training continues rapidly. Our valuable Hydraulic equipment supplier Rota Teknik, provided practical “Hydraulics Training” to our engineers and technicians who are interested in the subject for 2 days, both in our Ali Sözer conference hall and in the field. We would like to thank our supplier. We are growing and developing together!

#SözerMakina #SözerAkademi #RotaTeknik #education #hydraulic #engineer #technician #success #training


Interlakokraska 2024

As SÖZER MAKİNA, we have taken our place as always at the 28th Paint and Coating Fair Interlakokraska, to be held in Russia. We look forward to presenting our new generation machines and services to our valued visitors. We welcome all interested parties to our booth.

? 27.02 – 01.03.2024
?Russia / Moscow
?Expocentre FG 005 (Forum Pavilion)

SözerMakina #Sözer #Interlakokraska #interlakokraska2024 #exhibition #paint #coating #russia #expocentre_msk


SM Series Platform Type Dissolvers

It is a model of high-speed mixer machines designed in high capacities for platforms. They are used in the production of paints, construction chemicals, oor coverings, plaster, printing inks, pigment pastes, adhesives, padding materials, mastics; casting components, composite materials, cosmetic products, food products, and pesticides.


SM.A.SBT Stationary Low Speed Mixers

Low-speed (agitator) mixer machines equipped with heavy-duty power are widely used in all areas where products under heavy industrial conditions require intensive and homogeneous mixing at low speeds. They are also used for gas concrete production, base and coloring mixer and stocking tanks. They are the preferred mixer types for the production or storage of high tonnage products.

#SözerMakina #sözer #agitator #ağırdevirlimikser #lowspeedmixer #boya #macun #mastik #tutkal #yapıştırıcı #pigmentpastası #yapıkimyasalları #kozmetik #kaplama #paint #coating #putty #mastics #pigmentpaste #constructionchemicals #cosmetics #mixing #dispersing #finegrinding #karıştırma #dispersiyon #kimya #chemical


Zet-Kneaders for Dental Sectors

Zet-Mixer (Zet Kneader) machines, which are frequently preferred in the Medical and Dental sectors. These type of machines used in the production of products with very high viscosity. Specially shaped “Z” mixing pallets with horizontal mixing system rotate in the vessel at different speeds and in both directions, ensuring an extremely homogeneous kneading and mixing. These machines are also used in the production of products such as hotmelt adhesives, rubber, bmc and smc dough, glass fiber reinforced products, lining production industries, solid fuels, heavy plastisols.

#SözerMakina #sozermachine #zetmikser #sigmamikser #kneader #zetkneader #tiltingmixer #sigmablade #medikal #dental #medical #balata #hamurmikseri #zetmixer #glue #hotmelt #composite #kompozit #lining #giant #yapıştırıcı #pharmaceutical #sigmakneader #zblade #horizontalmixer #sigmamixer #silicon #rubber #smc #bmc #silicon #rubber


Quality Through Experience

As of today, Sözer Makina employs expert and alternative staff in its Technical Service, Installation, Sales, Planning, Purchasing, Accounting, Design-R&D, Automation, Human Resources, Shipment, Production and Quality departments. We continue to develop our qualified human resources in line with today’s vision with our 77-year-old corporate culture and SAP integrated enterprise resource planning infrastructure systems.

#SözerMakina #technicalservice #installation #sales #planning #purchasing #accounting #design #r&d #automation #humanresources #shipment #production #quality #develop #gelişim #başarı #inovasyon #inovation #satış #planlama #teknikservis #üretim #satınalma #muhasebe #sevkiyat #kalite #kurulum #insankaynakları #arge


77th Anniversary Souvenir Photo

As we come to the end of 2023, which is full of successes and intense production processes, we took our souvenir photo as every year with Sözer Makina family. We prepare to leave behind the 77th anniversary of Sözer Makina, the address of peace, unity and success, we would like to thank all our teammates who contributed. Happy new years together…
